Casas Vazias
Desde sempre me incomodou ver prédios vazios e abandonados, sobretudo no coração dos grandes centros urbanos.
Um dia, enquanto percorria as ruas de Lisboa, fui levado pela curiosidade a entrar num destes prédios.
A porta, mal acorrentada, chamou-me para dentro. Já nas escadas, percebi que havia uma casa que tinha a porta principal aberta. Entrei e dei por mim rodeado por uma série de objectos, alguns nos seus lugares, como se a casa ainda estivesse habitada. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, o profundo silêncio e o ar pesado não escondiam o abandono de anos.
Quem viveria naquela casa?…. Há quanto tempo estaria ela vazia?… Porque terá sido deixada assim?…
Aquele ambiente enigmático despertou-me o interesse.
Saí e voltei noutro dia com a máquina fotográfica e com o propósito de registar em cada imagem, simultaneamente, o lado íntimo e o devassado (pelo abandono) daqueles objectos.
Empty Houses
I have always been bothered by empty and abandoned buildings especially in the heart of the large urban centres.
One day, while I was walking in Lisbon, I was drawn by curiosity to enter one of those buildings.
The door, which was not properly chained, called me inside. I was already walking up the stairs when I saw an appartment with its main door open. I walked in and found myself surrounded by objects, some of which in their places, as if the house was still inhabited. At the same time however, the deep silence and heavy air did not hide the years of its abandonment.
Who lived in that house ?…..How long had it been empty for?…Why had it been left like this?
That mysterious environment awoke my interest.
I left and returned on another day with a camera with the purpose of capturing in each image both the intimate and the trespassed side of those objects.
I have always been bothered by empty and abandoned buildings especially in the heart of the large urban centres.
One day, while I was walking in Lisbon, I was drawn by curiosity to enter one of those buildings.
The door, which was not properly chained, called me inside. I was already walking up the stairs when I saw an apartment with its main door open. I walked in and found myself surrounded by objects, some of which in their places, as if the house was still inhabited. At the same time however, the deep silence and heavy air did not hide the years of its abandonment.
Who lived in that house ?…..How long had it been empty for?…Why had it been left like this?
That mysterious environment awoke my interest.
I left and returned on another day with a camera with the purpose of capturing in each image both the intimate and the trespassed side of those objects.
Maisons Vides
J’ai toujours été gêné de voir des bâtiments vides et abandonnés, en particulier au cœur des grands centres urbains.
Un jour, en marchant dans les rues de Lisbonne, j’ai été porté par la curiosité de rentrer dans un de ces bâtiments.
La porte tenant à peine par de vielles chaînes m’appella irrésistiblement vers l’intérieur. Déjà dans l’escalier, j’ai réalisé qu’il y avait un appartement qui avait son entrée principale ouverte béante devant moi.
J’ai pénétré à l’intérieur puis me suis retrouvé entouré par une série d’objets, certains à leur place, comme si la maison était encore habitée. Mais, en même temps, le profond silence et l’air lourd n’arrivaient pas à cacher l’abandon de plusieurs années.
Qui vivait dans cette maison ?…. Depuis combien de temps était-elle vide?… Pourquoi l’avait-on laissée ainsi?…
Cet environnement énigmatique éveilla mon intérêt.
Je suis sorti puis suis revenu un autre jour avec mon appareil photografique avec le dessein d’enregistrer chaque image, simultanément le côté intime et souillé (par l’abandon) de ces objets.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
20 November